
Getting back to blogging

Hey there! I actually stopped blogging because I didn't feel like I was providing much value when there were already so many resources out there. But don't worry, I didn't stop creating software and assets altogether. I just stopped sharing my progress with the world because I wasn't sure if it would be useful to others.  Then, I stumbled upon this article that suggested I should share more about myself and what I'm doing rather than trying to teach others. And you know what? It really made sense to me. I realized that most people just search for what they need and move on, but some might actually enjoy reading about what others are doing and how they're doing it. So, here I am, giving blogging another shot! I believe that writing about my software journey will not only help me improve my writing and communication skills but it will also give me a chance to share my experiences with you. Otherwise, I'll mostly be sharing my software-building journey here. No